#1 18″ Perfections – Blue Label/Certigrade | Western Red Cedar Shingles
18″ Western Red Cedar Certigrade #1 Grade Perfections Shingles
Cedar Perfection Blue Label Shingles
Shake Shingles
Blue Label/Certigrade Western Red Cedar Roofing Shingles
no1 18inch Perfections – Blue Label/Certigrade
#1 18″ Perfections – Blue Label/Certigrade | Western Red Cedar Roofing Shingles | The premium grade of shingles for roofs and sidewalls. These top-grade shake shingles, Wood Shingles are 100% heartwood, 100% clear and 100% edge grain. 18″ in length.
Staggered Butt Applications Shakes and shingles may be applied over
spaced sheathing. Spaced sheathing is usually 1 x 4 or 1 x 6 softwood boards and shall not be less than 1 x 4 boards.
Solid sheathing is recommended for shakes and may be required in seismic regions or under treated shakes and shingles. Solid sheathing is used in areas with wind-driven snow. Please note that the only solid sheet
sheathing tested with Certi-label shakes and
shingles is plywood. Check with your local
building official for plywood thickness/dimensions. Eave protection is used
on the edge where 36″ felt underlay is used and should extend up at least 24″ beyond the exterior wall but it is not meant to cover the entire roof.
Staggered Butt Applications
Staggered butt applications are made by shortening the exposure less than the greater maximum exposure. No shakes or shingles shall be applied greater than the maximum exposure allowed. Check with local building codes for approval of this installation method.
Note: Do not cover the entire deck with water proofing membrane. This will not allow shingles to breathe. See CSSB technical bulletin “Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt”
The premium grade of shingles for roofs and sidewalls. These top-grade
shingles are 100% heartwood, 100% clear and 100% edge grain. Available
in 16″ or 18″ or 24″ length.
Certi-label Products
Cedar shakes and shingles manufactured by members of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (”CSSB”) are the only products labeled with the ”Certi” brand name. Certi-label cedar shakes and shingles are made by experienced craftsmen who take pride in their trade and the quality of their
product. Despite their varying sizes and sometimes remote locations, member mills are bound together by a rigid quality code.
Unannounced independent inspections conducted by accredited third party agencies ensure that product quality is maintained.
Products are inspected to conform with various local, national and international codes and standards (contact the CSSB for specific
Each bundle of product has the mill’s distinctive Certi-label tucked under the bundle strap. Asking for “the blue label” or “number
one blue label” is not specific enough: CSSB members‘ products are the only ones with the Certi brand name on the label.
Recommended Use
For walls and roofs on 3:12 pitch and steeper where a premium quality product is desired.